
General Curtis claims Bob Barr is a traitor

This commentator claims that Bob Barr is "A Traitor" to the Republican Wing of the Big Government Party, because he is not supporting the McSame canidacy.

The problem is, that Bob Barr left the Republican Wing of the Big Government Party years ago, and was even a member of the Libertarian Party's board before becoming a candidate for the nomination and a candidate for president.

Wouldn't endorsing McBama be the error, given this fact?

As for the claim that Barr is "stealing votes" from the Republican Wing of the Big Government Party, the reality is that they have been defrauding Small Government advocates for decades, stealing their votes and their money, by saying "If only we get Congress, we'll shrink government".

This was a lie. It was so proved when they got congress, and did nothing to shrink government.

So then they cried "If only we get the presidency, we'll shrink government".

That was another lie. It was so proved when the got the presidency, and government grew even faster than it had under the Democratic Wing of the One Big Party.

So now they cry that small government advocates owe them their votes. They are entitled, they say, to the everlasting, unquestioning, unrewarded support of anyone who believes in small government, because they have, when it suited their purpose, spouted a little bit of free market rhetoric.

I say that what small government advocates owe the Republican Wing of the Big Government Party is a class action lawsuit, in order to recover the money out of which they were defrauded over the years. This, a knife in the back, and a kick in the head would put us about even with the Republican Wing of the Big Government Party.

Actually, now, if we want to get even, we'll need to do one more thing:

If -- and it's a big if -- we can find any evidence that the Republican Wing of the Big Government Party ever had any allegience to the Constitution, the Free Market, Limited Government, the Rule of Law, Capitalism, Freedom, or anything other than staying in power, we should call them traitors.

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